Wow, you gotta see this house...that's what I said to my editor at Modern Luxury after I took these scouting shots at Derek and Christen Wilson's house in Highland Park. The Wilsons are up and coming art collectors with the kind of works you don't often see outside of museums or galleries. Their mentors are the likes of Howard and Cindy Rachofsky, with whom they've worked on Two by Two for AIDS and Art. Extraordinarily, they're also raising children amid all this investment-quality art, including a four-year-old boy.
Read more about how the Wilsons manage a house full of kids and great art here. Because space is limited in magazines and boundless on the web, you'll see way more images on my blog. Still, I've only included a fraction of what is in the house -- they have art in the bathrooms, closets and children's rooms as well.
This is a Sol Lewitt, Scribble #13 done in graphite directly onto their dining room wall.
Liam Gillick, Rectified Projection, 2008, painted aluminum.
This is a view from the sitting room into the spectacular entry. The ceiling even has art -- it'sLiam Gillick's Parity Platform in aluminum and Plexiglas, which reflects colored shafts of light onto the floor. The pink fluorescent light is a Dan Flavin (I can't remember ever seeing a private home with a Flavin), and the oil on canvas is Richard Phillips' Eye.

Stuart Cumberland's Fat Rod-Black Over Pink, 2008, oil on linen.

Sterling Ruby's Time Machine, 2008 (wood, spray paint, etc.). Pretty edgy for a house in Highland Park, isn't it?
Stuart Cumberland's Forty Days Orange, 2009, Oil on linen.
Tony Feher's Untitled 2009 work. Not sure what the materials are.
In case you're wondering who did the fantastic interior design, it was Brant McFarlain of Bloc Design Syndicate.
The Flavin casts a pink glow into the sitting room, which feels like it's enveloping you. Derek Wilson told me it's one of his favorite places to sit. That's a Donald Judd on the left (Untitled, 1986, clear anodized aluminum with transparent blue Plexiglas). If Christen Wilson could have anything she doesn't have, she said it would be more Donald Judd sculptures.
Al Taylor, Untitled 1985, wooden broomsticks with enamel paint, etc.
A commissioned portrait of Christen Wilson by Richard Phillips, 2007 oil on canvas.