Guest Bedroom by Joseph Minton (Click to Enlarge Photo)
Joni at Cote de Texas did a wonderful post on the Southern Accents Showhouse in Fort Worth a couple of days ago. I've been remiss and not even posted yet about the house, which I feel bad about because the quality of the project is outstanding. I blogged about the uncertain fate of the show house back in August after Southern Accents folded, but the show house team pulled it off beautifully. (Joe Minton was the interior designer, Larry Boerder was the architect, and Period Homes, Inc. was the builder.)
The guest bedroom above, and bath below, are my favorites, as I always love what Joe does with animal prints. Look at those walls!

The inspiration was a cottage in the Cotswolds. This beautiful house has a real slate roof and uses native Texas stone. It's for sale, if you're interested.

Watch what Joe has to say in this video about the house -- it's a wonderful interview with ideas and tips and beautiful images. The video is and one of many Joe did about the show house on the Southern Accents website (the magazine has folded, unfortunately, but the website lives on)

Watch what Joe has to say in this video about the house -- it's a wonderful interview with ideas and tips and beautiful images. The video is and one of many Joe did about the show house on the Southern Accents website (the magazine has folded, unfortunately, but the website lives on)