Highland Park girl Megan Adams makes art out of the beautiful rooms she grew up seeing, such as this house in Jackson, Mississippi, belonging to the parents of her best friend. She rendered it in oil while an undergrad at SMU, then most recently made an intaglio print from it, below.

Megan is introducing a line of fabrics, some which you can see on her website.
I asked Megan how this all came about, the fact that she draws and paints rooms. She says it all really comes down to her love of fabrics. "I have always been inspired by fabric patterns, so my etchings and paintings emphasize fabric and the way it drapes onto the furniture to create space," says Megan. "Light also plays a role in my work as a focal point as well as the perspective, sometimes skewed. Through recreating these interior rooms I realized what I was drawn to, which is fabric."